Yoga Services Agreement

4.1 Compensation rate for Yoga Retreat: Given the services provided by yoga teachers at Guiding Company, Guiding Company agrees to pay the yoga teacher in the following terms: Dear Karen, thank you for the transmission!!! While searching Google for this, I stumble on your useful article. . Tips for research and booking corporate yoga classes, published in mind, body, green. This has led me to discover more of the great content you have on your website and facebook group, and I`m yoga-nerding so happy right now! I look forward to learning more about your books and online content, and I can`t wait ™ to take your course!!! Thank you, a lot of respect and the best mood, Ali 1.2 “customer” refers to the client, or the company that booked the services of the Yoga Agency. Thank you for contacting me about yoga services through my company XXXXXX. The following document describes the services we have approved and the terms of service. 9.4 Dismissal by yoga teachers for the failure of Guiding Company: If the Guiding Company refuses to execute this contract or significantly violates any of its provisions, yoga teachers may immediately terminate this agreement at their choice by notifying in writing guiding company. When I steal corporate yoga contracts, I try to make sure that I get paid directly by the company. I have heard of agreements where the teacher is paid by the students.

I do not recommend it, as it can be a challenge in addition to teaching. I also like to distinguish between the pedagogical aspect and the business aspect. 8.2 Workplace: The Guiding Company undertakes to organize premises or premises in accordance with the terms of this contract for use by yoga teachers, while providing contractual services. 2.2 The yoga teacher reserves the right to provide services to others for the duration of the agreement and is not required to devote his services exclusively to the Guiding Company. 5.3 The teacher cannot sell personal services, such as . B: workshops, courses and exercises during classes on behalf of the company. 4.2 Bills and payment date: The management systems of the management company automatically generate an invoice for the services of the yoga teacher. The teacher has the option to check and correct these records at any time prior to payment.