Sql Server License Agreement Cannot Be Located for the Selected Edition

SQL Server License Agreement Cannot Be Located for the Selected Edition: What it Means and How to Fix it

As a database administrator, you may encounter the error message “SQL Server license agreement cannot be located for the selected edition” when attempting to install SQL Server. This error occurs because the installation process is unable to locate the license agreement file, which is required to proceed with the installation.

When you encounter this error, it can be frustrating, as it prevents you from completing the installation process. However, there are several potential reasons for this error, as well as different methods to fix it.

Causes of the Error

One possible cause of this error is that the license agreement file is missing or corrupted. This may occur if you have downloaded the installation files from an unreliable source or if the files have been altered. Another possible cause is that the installation files have been moved or deleted after being downloaded, which can cause the installer to fail to locate the license agreement file.

Another possible cause is that there is a problem with your system`s registry. If the registry entries for the SQL Server installation are missing or corrupted, it can cause the installation process to fail to locate the license agreement file.

Finally, it`s possible that the error is related to a bug in the installation software itself. In this case, you may need to contact Microsoft support for assistance.

How to Fix the Error

There are several methods for fixing the “SQL Server license agreement cannot be located for the selected edition” error.

Method 1: Check the Location of the License Agreement File

First, check the location of the license agreement file and make sure it is in the correct location. By default, the file should be located in the installation directory of the SQL Server installation files.

Method 2: Re-Download the Installation Files

If the license agreement file is missing or corrupted, you can try downloading the installation files again from a reliable source. Make sure to download the correct version of SQL Server, and verify the integrity of the files before attempting to reinstall.

Method 3: Copy the License Agreement File

If the license agreement file is located in a different directory, you can try copying it to the installation directory of the SQL Server installation files. This may help the installer locate the file and complete the installation process.

Method 4: Repair the Registry Entries

If the registry entries for the SQL Server installation are missing or corrupted, you can try repairing them using a registry cleaning tool. Be aware that modifying the registry can be risky, so make sure to backup your system before attempting to make any changes.

Method 5: Contact Microsoft Support

If none of the above methods work, you may need to contact Microsoft support for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and provide guidance on how to proceed.


Encountering the “SQL Server license agreement cannot be located for the selected edition” error can be frustrating, but it`s not an insurmountable obstacle. By following these methods, you can address the issue and complete the installation process. Remember to always download installation files from a reliable source, and to backup your system before making any changes to the registry. With these precautions, you can ensure a smooth and successful SQL Server installation.