Ema Learning Agreement Part 2

In today`s global economy, more and more students are seeking to expand their education beyond national borders. The Erasmus+programme, which stands for European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, is designed to facilitate student exchange and learning across the European Union (EU). As part of the Erasmus+ programme, the European Commission requires students to sign an “EMA Learning Agreement” before they begin their studies abroad.

In our previous article, we discussed the importance of the “EMA Learning Agreement” as a legally binding document that outlines the agreed-upon academic programme, as well as the responsibilities and expectations of both the student and the host institution. In this article, we will dive deeper into the specific details of the “EMA Learning Agreement Part 2.”

The “EMA Learning Agreement Part 2” is an addendum to the original learning agreement document. It is typically used when a student wishes to make changes to their academic programme, such as adding or dropping courses, changing their research project, or extending their stay abroad.

When making changes to an Erasmus+ programme, it`s important to ensure that all parties involved are aware of the changes and agree to them. This is where the “EMA Learning Agreement Part 2” comes into play. It serves as an amendment to the initial agreement, indicating that the student and the host institution have mutually agreed to the changes.

To fill out the “EMA Learning Agreement Part 2,” students must provide their personal information, the institution they are attending, and their mobility start and end dates. They must then detail the changes they wish to make to their academic programme, providing the course codes, titles, and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits for each change.

The host institution will also need to provide their signature and stamp of approval for the changes to be made. This ensures that the host institution is aware of the changes and agrees to them. Once the document is signed and approved by both parties, it becomes legally binding and must be adhered to by both the student and the host institution.

As with the original “EMA Learning Agreement,” it is essential that students keep a copy of the “EMA Learning Agreement Part 2” and provide a copy to their home institution`s Erasmus+ coordinator. This will ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the agreed-upon changes to the academic programme.

To conclude, the “EMA Learning Agreement Part 2” is an important document that allows students to make changes to their academic programme while studying abroad. It serves as an amendment to the original “EMA Learning Agreement” and ensures that all parties involved are aware of the changes and agree to them. By understanding the importance of this document, students can make the most of their Erasmus+ experience and achieve their academic goals.