Northwest Passage Agreement

The United States would advance its cause of promoting freedoms of navigation without losing its leeway. American ships, including warships, could exercise their innocent rights of way in landlocked waters. Moreover, this would set a potentially useful precedent for the South China Sea, where China`s expansionist claims are also based on dubious claims on historical titles. Under the proposed solution, the United States would still have to obtain permission to operate submarines. Canadian sources, including a Canadian defence minister, have suggested that the United States and Canada have reached an agreement regulating the movement of U.S. submarines in the waters concerned. Indeed, an ongoing obligation to seek authorization to operate clandestine submarines would serve U.S. interests by treating Canada as a true partner in North American defence and by denying the legitimate use of Arctic archipelago waters for Chinese and Russian submarines. And yet, at the end of August, this experienced tandem had new headwinds. Short-term regulation of coronavirus has prompted Kiwi Roa and Smith to assert for many years in Canada that the waters of the Arctic Archipelago and the Northwest Passage were inland waters, a position disputed by the United States and several other countries. The Kiwi Roa`s trip could help redefine the legal status of the Northwest Passage and change the ecological, economic and political contexts of the use of passage in a warm world. In particular, the coronavirus and the kiwi-roa incident create an opportunity for Canada and the United States to align their positions through a compromise in which the United States recognizes Canada`s baselines, while Canada recognizes the existence of innocent rights of way in the Northwest Passage. Canada has also made every effort to grant authorization to vessels crossing the Northwest Passage, even though no authorization is required.

If there are no transit rights and innocence, for example. B according to Canada`s maximalist claims, any foreign vessel entering inland waters must apply for and obtain permission to sail through the sovereign state. This authorization policy allows Canada to maintain its narratives, imposing its legitimate claims with international tolerance.