Customer Protection Agreement Doc

The company pays the agent [percentage] of all net product sales directly from the agent`s efforts. `net sales of products` means the amount of proceeds from the sale of the agent`s sales, less any customer returns, returns or defaults. CONSIDERING that the company offers certain products to its customers, as described in the document annexed to Annex A (the “products”); and whereas the undertaking and the agent wish to conclude an agreement under which the agent markets and sells the product in accordance with the conditions contained therein. 2. In the event that the agent receives commissions on orders that will be reimbursed or refunded a posteriori, or if the company does not otherwise realize the revenues of such a sale, the agent will account for all future commissions with the amount of reduction of the commissions actually paid if the sales related to the revenues that the company has not realized, would not be closed. . The agent agrees and acknowledges the following with respect to the company`s trademark: the agent has the right to market the product in [the territory] (the “territory”). This Agency Agreement is entered into from [date] of [Sender.Company] whose registered office is in [Sender.Address] (the Company) and [Client.Company] whose registered office is in [Client.Address] (the “Agent”), both of which agree to be bound by this Agreement. When marketing and offering the products for sale in the area, the agent: AS A TESTAMENT TO THIS, this service level agreement by the parties listed below is part of the contract. . This Agreement and the interpretation of its terms shall be governed by the laws of the State and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts and the courts of [County], [State]. 1.

If the parties terminate this Agreement for any reason, the Company will only pay the Agent for the sale of the Products that were made prior to the date of termination. The Agent agrees to exempt, defend and protect the Company from all actions and costs of any kind in connection with any breach by the Agent of the law, this Agreement or the rights of third parties, while acting in accordance with this Agreement. . . .